CTV 1530k Skaven

14000 (1 FAME)
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Chaos Chosen CTV 1540k
#3 George Deeptree – Dead (RIP)
#7 Ciro Milionario – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#8 Billy Silentstone – Dead (RIP)
#9 Totore Spaccaossa – Broken Neck (-AG)
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But Nuffle was my best friend after the Blitz. I managed to get the ball back and scored(lucky) in the last turn with a handover(4+), dodge(3+) and 2 gfi with one RR.
The second half couldnt be more unfair. The Rats got 3x doubleskull, useless RR with their ogre and 3x dodge rolls (2+) 1 1. I made a mistake in turn 7. The small rat could blitz my ball carrier with -2d and managed to make the ball fall on the ground of the pitch. But again nuffle saved me. last turn all block worked, lucky scatter of the ball, pick up and move to victory.
Thanks for the game. I hope we will meet again and I am sure that you will be the choosen one. ”