CTV 2070k Chaos Chosen


Chaos Dwarf CTV 2000k+50k

18000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Card Gromskull's Exploding Runes
#5 Schtuoumpf grognon – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#8 Mr Louche – Dead (RIP)
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Of course those three on field did not stop the dwarf tide, 0:1.
Last Chaos turn, maybe some chain-push-one-turn TD, but Perfect Defense did not give a chance.
Second half, first two turns saw a similar tendency: 1 men less per turn. But the left flank seemed strong enough to bring the ball there. Dice started to work from this point: CDs close to the ball went down, and althought the HandOffed ball was not catched by the aimed Beastman, but bounced to a CW who did it. Then in the CD turn blocks resulted in only pushes, and the Bomb (Dirty Tricked to a Hobgoblin) flying towards the CW, was caught by a Beastman, exploding in his hand and bringing him down - but this way not the ball carrier.
CDs and BCs blitzed apart the loose Chaos cage, exerting nasty tackle zones on the ballCW. This time RR worked on the dodge, thus 1:1.
The dwarfs had 4 turns to score, but one man down, as all Chaos KOs recovered(!), but the Bomber HG banned. Now a Perfect Defence for KO roll and the CDs found themselves surrounded. A few 1d blocks could save their day, but they rolled Skull. To make things even worse for them, a CD SIed. Increasing pressure made the Bull rush forward, but the only corridor to take was in the side-zone. Having enough Chaos players close enough to blitz the Bull with GFIs, he was crowdsurfed and the ball was thrown-in far away. Too few time and players left for the dwarfs, the ball was not recovered, thus tie in the end.”