CTV 1600k Necromantic Horror


Amazon CTV 1330k+270k

18000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Star player Zara the Slayer
#9 Lujza – Dead (RIP)
#13 Lisa – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The match started in a usual way. Opponent offence, HighKick. In turn1 bringing down blodgers with Pows, KOing one of them. But in the end something changed: a foul was spotted and the Zombie was sent off. In the next turns even if the ladies went down, they were stunned at worst, while a Zombie was KOed. At the same time, the Necros secured the left side and marched forward. The Amazons could attack the cage, which was enough to force a Necro TD with 4 turns remaining.
The KickOff was a Touchback, but the Necro made a PerfectDefense. Until the end of turn6 mostly just pushing the Necros, but the last two blocks BHd a Ghoul and stunned a Wolf, so the left side was relatively safe for an advance. The SideStep on the Amazon Catcher helped a lot, but this turn she was making the play - even if she went down, laid in the way, so the ball-blitzing Wolf had to go thru a tackle zone, which he failed and stunned. As the fast players of the Necros were down, out (also a Wight this turn) or stuck on the left side and separated, the ball went right. After many dodges, cover also came. The Necros made an even dodgier and GFIer turn, bringing tackle zones on the ball carrier. However, for the Wolf it was too much, tripped and BHd in his last dodge. A final dodge from the BallAmazon made the half end 1:1.
Second half started with 10 Necros on field and though they evened the numbers in their first turn, a Zombie and the 2nd Wolf were out in turn2. After the last Ghoul was KOed in turn3, the only non-4MA player of the Necros was a Wight. The final number of the Necros was set in turn4 to 5 by a crowdsurfed Zombie. Even if an Amazon was BHd and another killed later on, it was too late for casualties - the Necros just did not have enough player and movement to stop the Amazons for a last turn TD.
The KO Wolf did not come back for their last turn, so the Necros did not got a chance for one turn TD, plus the KickOff was a PerfectDefense. 2:1
And shortly about the inducment. I was thinking a lot if the AG5, Leap, Jugger WitchElf should come, or Zara. Finally went for Zara. Now, her first half performance:
stab 4+1+1
stab 2+2+1
stab 4+2+1
block push/skull
blitz GFI 1, loner roll 2 (wastes RR)
blitz both/skull (if push, a Wight could be crowdsurfed)
last turn nothing (just score)
So far totally regreted to choose her...
But 2nd half (beside important pows):
stab stun FleshGolem
stab KO Wolf
So it looks like these Stars tend to work for their money when they please, but they do work for it, after all...”