CTV 1530k+310k Dark Elf

14000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Star player Hubris Rakarth, Card Kicking Boots
Wood Elf CTV 1840k


#6 Ocean Soul – Dead (RIP)
#2 Lateafternoon Wintersunset – Dead (RIP)
#17 Tristan Quickfield – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
After a quick score from the woodies, the dark elves played the slow and careful game, keeping their team bunched, advancing only as far as they needed to, taking the opportunity to knock over as many woodies as they could and not intending to score until the last turn. And they managed to do all of these.
The second half was the same. The wood elves lost their only good offensive weapon (the wardancer) on the first turn, and after that the dark elves were never in danger of losing the ball. In fact, after about turn three, the dark elves just sat there waiting for the half to run out while I blitzed with a loner who was up against eight dark elves.
In the end it came down to the final turn one-turn attempt, and I managed it without failing anything more than once.
So a draw it was, and actually I came off pretty well at the end - more fans, lots of gold, and both skill rolls were doubles, so I gave the block lineman guard and have yet to decide on what to give the now-legendary catcher - he already has guard, as well as all the stuff he needs as a catcher (MA9, sure feet, side-step), so I'm not sure.
And I can afford to buy a new wardancer as well.