CTV 2780k Wood Elf

No change

Tomb Kings CTV 1900k+850k

20000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 3 bribes, Star player Hack Enslash, Star player Ramtut III, Card Witch's Brew
#2 Binshot Dazzlewing – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#7 Crystelle Rolonda – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#11 Gregoray Flitterpack – Dead (RIP)
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HUGE Wood Elf team. TREMENDOUS. With pain in the arse Wardancers, one-turners, and a bench to keep them relatively safe. We got 880K in inducements and used the lion's share of it on Ramtut in order to make up for the loss of Slow Soul from Round 1's fanbase cement bench toss. We used the rest on Hack and some under the table cash for the men in stripes.
Forced the score by 2nd quarter and Swampy came through behind a stalwart line in order to tie it up at the half. The Anointed ST5 beast then rambled his way to another score at the start of the 4th quarter. Luckville was going to get the chance at a one turn anyway, so figured we would goad them into thinking they had time. Well... turns out they had time. Leroy can bust a hole in anything, folks... good thing there's only one of him. They score to force OT, AND!....
... joy in Luckville. They win the toss. Dodge / Sprint / TD / Spike it.
"Very enjoyable game, Rawlf. I needed that kickoff to have a chance at the end. But glad I was able to make it a game to that point. A sloppy defense or muffed pickup on my end would've easily made this game a rout, so I feel I played well. And dice were fairly even - so that's most everything I can hope for when I play this game. Good luck next round!”