“Not one to blame dice too much, I made mistakes, but the dice stats do slant against me in this one! The skulls (16:5), the AV rolls (18 of 28 sub-7 for me, 16 of 26 over-7 for doc), and 6s (16:35, including 6:14 on single die rolls) all are quite unbalanced.
Despite that, I felt like I could have done better and at least levelled the game at 1:1 with it all to play for in the final few turns. The last few turns were where Nuffle really turned the screw but that was, in part, as I was chasing the game with longshot plays.”
Despite that, I felt like I could have done better and at least levelled the game at 1:1 with it all to play for in the final few turns. The last few turns were where Nuffle really turned the screw but that was, in part, as I was chasing the game with longshot plays.”