“Hard work for the poor elves, first game in a while for them and the rats were brutal. Four early casualties (two on niggled players) left the team short-handed against the lightning fast and deadly rodents. Team learned the hard way not to leave their 4ST player alone and unprotected.
A single consolation touchdown, but this was miserable. Must go back to my darling dark elves who at least have some frenzy and mighty blow to damage opponents.
Four fouls, noone sent off (but no luck hurting the little guys either).
Nuffle blessed me with some poorly timed 1s early on in the game, which is never great fun.”
A single consolation touchdown, but this was miserable. Must go back to my darling dark elves who at least have some frenzy and mighty blow to damage opponents.
Four fouls, noone sent off (but no luck hurting the little guys either).
Nuffle blessed me with some poorly timed 1s early on in the game, which is never great fun.”