CTV 1770k+360k Orc
Inducements: 1 halfling master chef, Star player Bomber Dribblesnot
Tomb Kings CTV 2150k
17000 (1 FAME)
No change
#11 Tablespoon – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#13 Spatula – Damaged Back (NI)
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God, Mother F'en, dammit!
Jeguan beat us, again(Jeguan is a great coach and a fun competitor to find yourself pitted against), and with this same damn team!
First half was mint, stole three rerolls, and the Khemri nearly found themselves too far out of range to score. Like and idiot I attempted to push the issue by lobbing a bomb towards the crowd (and the AG3 thrower) surrounding the loose ball, which was caught (of course) and thrown back (of course), blowing Bomber Dribblesnot out of the way, and leaving a clear path to the endzone. Quick Snap, and I was able to make some moves, but ended up only getting two chain pushed when we needed three. The pass we would have needed failed anyway.
Second half, stole no rerolls, and we stepped right into range of their blitzer. By that time we already couldn't do anything right. The rest of the match was failed dodges, GFI's, and pick ups, including a particularly fun failed pickup in the endzone, 2, rerolled 1.
Oh well. Good game, Jeguan. Last time you beat me you went on to win the tournament. Maybe lightning will strike twice?”