CTV 1980k+50k Norse

18000 (2 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Wood Elf CTV 2070k


No change
#1 Solen Rubbert MAc Grol – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#11 Paul Kim – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#13 Vigrid – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Treeman was badly hurt on the first turn of the game by the snow troll with his nasty claws, and the coach decided to risk using the apothecary on him to keep him on the pitch later on. As luck would have it, his services weren't required further on in the game, and the tree did a fine job and racked up a casualty of his own later on.
Dancing King was probably MVP as usual, throwing 8 blocks and causing 3 casualties with his mighty blow frenzy power.
Elves played it conservatively and stalled for the last 4 turns of the game, herding the remaining 4 Norsemen into a small huddle near the LOS and keeping the scoring piece ready by the TD zone.
With two largely AV7 teams the game is often decided by early casualties, and such was the case in this game. I got lucky with the casualty dice early on and was able to use my speed and agility to get good mighty blow blocks on important Vikings, while keeping him away from my most precious elves at most times. Thanks to opponent coach for keeping up cheer and patience in the face of my hot dice. Will be happy for a rematch.”