CTV 2450k High Elf

No change

Dark Elf CTV 1990k+430k

14000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Star player Morg 'n' Thorg
#13 Chad Lewis – Dead (RIP)
#15 Sindhi – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
He was great as usual, throwing no less than 9 three die blocks.
Dark elves were able to cage up and protect the ball while the High Elves were tied up blocking and fouling some stragglers.
1-0 at halftime, then the dark elves managed to intercept a pass (despite Safe Throw, so it was a complete fluke) and turn the game around for the 2-0. High elves put pressure on the cage and forced the score with 4 turns left to play of the second half, then were hard pressed to reduce.
Nuffle granted a Blitz to the Linguists, who got a good crowd in where the kick was to land, but the player who was supposed to catch it fumbled it and it bounced into the hands of a less protected Dark Elf, who was promptly blocked and lost possession when the High Elves were back in play. A textbook 2 turner followed, and the score was 2-1 to the Linguists.
Final kick-off result was another Blitz, this time for the High Elves, but ball placement was on the line of scrimmage (right on Morg), so it was hard to say what would happen. They eventually got a touchback and handed the ball to Morg himself, then had a reasonable play (55% to succeed with the reroll according to Samba Action Calculator) for a 3-1, dodging out with Morg, handing over, passing, then 2 GFI's... made it as far as the catch, then fumbled the ball and had used the reroll for the dodge in the beginning.
Only permanent damage to either team was to the High Elves, whose AG5 catcher Chad Lewis tripped on a 2+ dodge, failed the reroll, broke armor, got Killed and where the apothecary reroll was still Killed. Very bad luck, and a bad way to go for an AG-boosted star catcher in the making.
<swampserpent>:fu fucking roller”