CTV 2450k Chaos Chosen

19000 (1 FAME)

Norse CTV 2430k
#11 The Spare Tackling Dummy – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#1 Frosty Frostenson – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#2 Ulf Limnarsson – Dead (RIP)
#13 Lennart Ulfsson – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First to meet the horror that was the Claw was Frosty Frostensson, the Snow Troll that has done so much good in his day... apothecary tried to save him, got him Killed instead, and we chose the humiliating AV hit... he will live on as a frenzying clawed killer with the swimsuit armor of an amazon.
Second, at least as serious casualty, was one of the mature Ulfwerenars, Ulf Limnarsson, who will be greatly missed. In defense of his team mates' valor and camaraderie, they immediately ran after his killer, first knocking him to the ground and then fouling him off the pitch.
Game was played in good cheer and I think I took the hot casualty dice on the chin.
Next game will be played at 1880 TV instead of 2430, a sweet 550 point drop (and that's after I recruited a new Ulfwerenar!)... maybe this will be my chance to find some lower TV opponents of the races that I have yet to play with my Norsemen: Amazon, Pact, Goblin, Halfling, Vampire, I'm looking at you!