“Ogres had this in the bag until an absolutely insane play from the UW managed to get the draw at the end.
Loner Gobbo thrown down field stands 1 from endzone, skaven throws it the length of the field (6 plus but got a 5 and it lands 2 away from gobbo) Ogres retrieve the ball with a runt and mark the gobbo and run up field. Loner gobbo dodges and blitzes the runt. Gets a pow. Ball scatters onto gobbo and he catches (Any other scatter would have made it impossible to score) and then he does 2 gfis to score. Seriously watch it, absolute magic.”
Loner Gobbo thrown down field stands 1 from endzone, skaven throws it the length of the field (6 plus but got a 5 and it lands 2 away from gobbo) Ogres retrieve the ball with a runt and mark the gobbo and run up field. Loner gobbo dodges and blitzes the runt. Gets a pow. Ball scatters onto gobbo and he catches (Any other scatter would have made it impossible to score) and then he does 2 gfis to score. Seriously watch it, absolute magic.”