CTV 1370k+180k Goblin


Inducements: 2 bribes, Star player Fungus the Loon
Dark Elf CTV 1550k

18000 (1 FAME)

#3 Motozierraz – Groin Strain (MNG)
#6 Oztiaz II – Dead (RIP)
#10 Zaltapik – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Crazy game where the elves had some good initial casualties and got rid of the secret weapons, then spent the rest of the game running circles around the gobbos and scoring at will. Highest score to date for the Linguists.
Game also saw the death of Legend Pogoer Zaltapik, one of the greats in the annals of little green guys jumping like crazy on spring-loaded stilts. He was living on borrowed time with two niggling injuries, but died with the ball in his hands, ready to run it in for what would have been his 42nd touchdown.
Game was obviously very one-sided. Cheers to fellow gobbo coach LQuart who took the harsh injury dice on the chin and took it for the silliness that it is with gobbos.
For the Linguists, game was important in that it helped finance the recruitment of the first blitzer to join the roster in a good long while... all those bashy teams I've played in this E.L.F. season have taken a heavy toll on the dark elf line.”