CTV 1200k Simyin

No change

Slann CTV 1190k+50k

12000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#5 Brain Bosworth – Broken Neck (-AG)
#7 Joe Washington – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
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Week 7
We came into Week 7 concerned about a strength disadvantage, about what these apes could do to our team, and we left wondering why we ever worried.
We started the first half capitalizing on a positioning error, popping the ball out of their hands and into ours (a Catch roll of a 6, rolled under double-coverage) turn 3. After that we ran to safety, while both teams proceeding to beat each other senseless. When we ran in the touchdown to close the first half the Babe we induced paid off in spades, as we had the numbers advantage for the second half. This prove to be important as Oooklahoma Blitzed on the kick-off, but could not get close to the ball. We recovered and move forward, punching a hole through the defense, until a dodge blitz by Rocky Calmus knocked down Pete who was carrying the ball, and they were able to recover and hand the ball off to Roy Williams. This likely would have spelt the equalizing touchdown, But Blitzer Elijah Woodhousii ran over and punched Roy in the face, hard enough to take Roy out for the rest of the match. By this time we were playing 8-on-5, and when we recovered the ball we marched it down to the goal line, and posted up, inflicting a few more brutal hits, before taking it up, 2-0.
Good game, Klazam. The dice results may not show it, but this match was a little unfair to Oooklahoma. Best of luck these last few weeks.”