CTV 2060k+200k Tomb Kings


Inducements: 2 bribes
Necromantic Horror CTV 2280k


No change
#6 Marquise Derell Goodwin – Dead (RIP)
#7 Hordor the risen – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Teresa may be the League Darling, but it does not mean that everyone doesn't want to see her skinned and laying underneath a sexy and naked Mick Jagger while he sips a glass of Prosecco... (it can't, right?)
Well regardless - this game wasn't going to be won by the Khrowns unless something went drastically wrong, and Khleveland played mistake free. But lo' and behold... that is what happened. Fleshie choked a block, Brandone fell the slippery pelt, and in the scramble to get back on their feet, we took the opportunity to get as much of a player advantage as possible. Ba'Kher Mayfield picking up the ball in a tackle zone and dodging out helped a little bit too... but he was felled after that, so didn't make that much difference. The difference was the pace we stole and never gave back, and the player advantage we were given and hung onto like a child clings to their woobie.
"Thanks for the game, Nico. Glad you weren't too clawsome today!”