CTV 1430k Slann


Underworld Denizens CTV 1310k+110k

15000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Bomber Dribblesnot
#2 Masako Palmer – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
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Week 9
This match was intense! We walked in worried about the unlikelihood of keeping 11 players on the pitch when facing twin Mighty Blow blitzers, one with a mutated claw, and before the first turn was complete Doug was asleep on the bench. Lancini followed Doug off of the field the following turn. We pinned the mutated freak to the sideline Turn 3 and lept in after the ball carrier, setting the ball free but unable to recover. Masako had been providing coverage on the Air Force players near the loose ball, and for his efforts he received a crippling block, likely ending his career. What then followed was a ridiculous scrum where for several turns the ball continued to be lost then reclaimed by both teams in a series of blitzes, but without either side gaining any ground. We foolishly stopped covering Blitzer Frank Andrews, only for Frank to stand up and badly hurt Brody. Turn 6 we were finally able to make our way toward the endzone, while holding the ball, but the very next turn an amazing 1d blitz knocked over Ryan who had been holding the ball. We made a final attempt, with Elijah pushing a defender into the ball, setting up an easier pickup attempted, all for Eli to go SPLAT attempting to Dodge across the goal line. First half ended, 0-all.
Second half we received, playing 8-on-11, with Bomber Dribblesnot taking to the pitch. A Pitch Invasion nearly took the wind out of our sails, but we managed to secure the ball, looking at a sneaky attempt for an early touchdown. Then Bomber blew up Sanguirana. But we still had a chance. With a hand off, a rush forward and a pass... Into an interception by Blitzer Jimmy Doolittle, while under coverage. By rights that should be the end of the story. But somehow we fought back, with Drakensberg sacking and injuring Jimmy Doolittle as a "thank you" for that interception. We recovered the ball, but there were too many surrounding Air Force players, and the ball again ending up in their hands, 9 steps from the endzone, which then turned into two steps. Drakensberg executed our only option, a leaping 1d blitz which coughed up the ball, and set about hoping to protect the ball from being recovered. With time running out the rest of the available players poured in, and we recovered the ball and set out in an attempt to put some distance between us and them. Drakensberg spotted Ryan in the backfield, being covered by a single goblin, and proceeded to throw the ball over the goblin's head and into Ryan's awaiting arms. Ryan then pushed away the goblin and dashed to the goal line. An attempt was made the throw a goblin after Ryan, but the goblin in question did not care for the hungry look in the troll's eyes, and Ryan ran in the touchdown unmolested. We kicked off one last time, but the kick was too deep to be recovered, and no other attempt to throw a goblin was made.
This match was a maddening, back and forth struggle. Coach Roto played this one very well, and it honestly could have gone either way. Since both coaches found this match to be so entertaining, we decided that a rematch should be held, so we issued a rivalry for Season 32 between Miami and Air Force.
Good game, and we'll see you next season. ”