CTV 1330k Slann

13000 (2 FAME)

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1330k
#2 Yaehaitha Fastfingers – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#3 Qucnattak Snaptongue – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#12 Xltotztelhap Necksnapper – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#19 Howard Vilestone – Damaged Back (NI)
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Bull centaur Gary used his sure hands to pick up the ball on 5/6 attempts, not bad at all! And he got MVP and rolled a +ST boost after the game! ST5 sure hands blocking ball carrier, here we go!
Balls out frogs uphill blocked the ball carrier and popped the ball loose at least twice, perhaps even three times. The Pounders approve of this attitude.
Pounders came within a single frog of achieving the sweetest goal of all, the cleared pitch, on turn 16, but Nuffle didn't want it to be so.
Sorry about breaking the team, I would have been just as pleased with badly hurts. My casualty dice were very hot today, and I got to roll so many of them. Hope you find the motivation to rebuild at a lower TV. Frogs are awesome when they work.”