CTV 1350k+200k Eagles

No change

Inducements: 2 wandering apothecaries
Patriots CTV 1830k


No change
#12 Andres Waters – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#4 Jason Taylor – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
All that went out o the window early when the apothecary had to save Taylor's life. Pats plans switched to player safety, so trying to limit hits and score whenever. Eagles masterfully stunted the early scoring attempt, sort of forcing a make or break stalling proposition. They have even sacked Bortles, and had realistic chance to score defensively, after Bortles snaked a dodge. But the same grass tile tripped Joe Doe, as well. (Which immediately prompted coaches to call for the stadium maintenance staff.) At the end Pats equalized as time expired in the 1st half.
The 2nd half started similarly, Eagles blocking path of advancement, while Pats players foolishly (but successfully) made a farming pass attempt. (Yes, the technique of the pass was also like a farmer's, done by rookie lineman Callagham.) Eagles got a hold of the PAts offense again, who scored early, leaving 2 turns for the Eagles to equalize.
Coach Arcayn shouted 'Prevent defense? I can see a Gronk', which prompted coach bghandras to double check the safety lineup. Luckily no lateral defense was botched, actually the contrary. The players lined up in pairs, forming solid matchup. The last one was Jenkins on Hilton, 1turner on 1turner. Jenkins was instructed in quite atypical way (Gronk, wink, wink), to make a blitz, which he executed successfully on Hilton, after leap and dodge. The hit was so jarring, it KOd Hilton. Funnily, Jenkins has this season as many 1 turning score as blitz attempt. This has also effectively stopped the score, securing 2-1 Pats, falling in line with many other atypical (non perfect stalling) 2-1 victories.
With the playoff bye secured, On to the Griffins!”