CTV 1870k Wood Elf

17000 (1 FAME)

Dark Elf CTV 1480k+380k


Inducements: Star player Kiroth Krakeneye, Star player Horkon Heartripper
#2 Vonzurn – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#90 Kiroth Krakeneye – Damaged Back (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I received the first kick, but a perfect defence and a tree that took root meant I was a little limited in my offensive options. Still, I was able to keep the thrower safe and made a long bomb downfield for the first score.
I was then granted my own perfect defence and did what I could to disrupt the dark elf advance. Sadly, it just wasn't enough and Orest was able to get the ball down to my end zone, where he decided to stall out till the half. The best I could do was a final-turn blitz to push the ball-carrier into the end zone, at least avoiding any possible turn 8 injuries.
The second half was more of the same. I began it two players down, and although there was a chance for an upset early on, it came to nothing. A failed pick-up by the deep (and lone) witch elf meant I had a chance at a blitz. It would have involved way too many dice to get a second player up for an assist, so I ended up relying on the 1-dice from the tackling wardancer - which I chose not to reroll when I only managed a push.
With hindsight, that probably cost me the game, because Orest was able to regroup, keep the ball safe, and do just enough to keep the ball out of my reach. A final desperate blitz from the wardancer freed-up the ball, but some cunning dodging from the former ball-carrier meant the wardancer had to leap to free himself in order to collect the ball, run it away and hope to survive for a draw. Needless to say, he failed the leap. Again, with hindsight, maybe I should have gone for the double dodge. Ah well.
Orest played well and apart from the failed pick-up, never really looked like he was in any danger of losing control. It was a well-deserved win for the dark elves.
No injuries on this side, just some lost fans. I kept the cash and will use it after the next match, either for two linemen if I can, or to replace whoever dies :)”