CTV 1870k+50k Skaven

15000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Wood Elf CTV 1930k


No change
#16 Littlerat – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#6 Suddenonset Hayfeverseason – Groin Strain (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
So my first drive was the horrible one where I fumbled the throw. And as most of you have probably experienced first-hand, when you mess up against skaven, you tend to find yourself suddenly surrounded by gutter runners, and for some reason they always seem to have diving tackle!
[As a side note, I do like the way my auto-correct keeps wanting to change skaven to shaven!]
Anyway, I messed up, the Rats got the ball and the rats scored. Then I showed them how it's supposed to work, and I pulled one back. Then they did the old, score-before-the-half-then-score straight-after-it routine, and suddenly I was so far behind it looked like I was never going to catch up. But just to make sure, I failed a go for it twice and somehow managed to lets the rats score again at the same time.
Still, with two fast teams enjoying themselves, the final three turns saw three more score, and two of them were mine, including a lucky final turn one-turner that could have failed at any of several points but probably didn't because it wasn't going to effect the final result anyway.
Somewhere along the way my thrower died again (as he often seems to) and once again the apo stepped up and did his duty admirably. This resulted in Briskbreeze surviving long enough to enjoy the fact that he is now number 4 on the All-Time Top Passing List (and only 200 completions behind the guy at number 3, although as he's also one of mine I can't really complain!)
This was a fun game and as usual I don't mind the fact that I lost it because I enjoyed it along the way. But I'm beginning to think I might win a few more if I didn't go for it so often. I failed 4 out of 12 here. Last game I failed 3 out of 8. And two games before that I failed 6 out of 10! Or maybe the law of averages is about to swing in my favour now?
Anyway, well played christos_s. You deserved the win, even without all the help I gave you. I'll come looking for the next round once I've learned to stay upright for more than two turns.”