CTV 1290k+180k Forest Halfling

13000 (1 FAME)
No change

Inducements: 1 bribe, Mercenary Merc Pygmy 1
Daemons of Khorne CTV 1480k


#9 Sadistic Tommy – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#10 Cruel Arthur – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Bizarre match-up as they tend to be in secret league. Extreme mobility and the dauntless, mighty blow clawed little guys upset the game many times. Still, the tackling no-hands blood letters tripped them up on a few critical blitzes and allowed the blodging ball carrier Sam to score the winning touchdown.
Some fair shots at the ball carrier could have swung the game in the other direction, as well as some better luck in first half getting that touchdown. Sadly, wasted a reroll on a push (still didn't kill the bloodletter) which would have been very useful.
Game played in very good cheer, KhaTazadun and I are now 1/1/1 in three games, so next one may see one of us take the lead!”