CTV 1470k+100k Human

No change

Inducements: Card Gromskull's Exploding Runes, Card Distract
Amazon CTV 1570k

18000 (1 FAME)

#6 Yorick Grottyfield – Dead (RIP)
#9 Scouty-pants – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#11 Gryne – Dead (RIP)
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After all, anyone can choose to use the positionals available- this chap went all linemen, with the team that has the most average linemen!
In the first half! I got the ball, and immediately drove! And he provided a solid line of linemen. Sadly, I made a mistake, and left my ball carrier open for a blitz from his Strength 4 chap.
And blitz he did, knocking the ball loose!
The ball bounced around for a bit, and somehow, one of my blitzers ended up with it, and dashed in for a turn 8 score! Some damn fine luck overcame my own stupidity. Huzzah! A riot gave my opponent 2 turns to try to score, but I managed to make a big mess of the middle where his chaps were, and I went into halftime leading 1-0!
Yipppee! Better than expected!
There was one disaster on the injury front- my most advanced Lineman Gryne, who was a super-star levle pro, got murderized on my turn 3. Not much helping it, I suppose- my apothecary turned a killed result into a killed result.
RIP, Gryne.
He got the ball, and played, excellent offense. Alas, a failed GFI, with a re-roll, killed a critical lineman, and I was able to pierce his cage.
Sort of. I just needed 2 dice blocks on turn 4 to go my way.
Which they did, and my luck held! (This victory brought to you by luck, not skill on my part.)
At the end of the game, the ball was sitting in my end zone, with his human vampire sitting next to my stand firm blitzer. He needed a 3+ pick up, with sure hands to tie the game, and the dice betrayed the humans.
Victory by luck! The greatest(?) victory of all?”