CTV 1320k Underworld Denizens
15000 (1 FAME)
Lizardmen CTV 1220k+100k
No change
Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs
#3 Bastuur – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#17 Ulric Paletree – Dead (RIP)
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After being fouled three times, the troll finally gave in and became KOd himself. He failed to regain consciousness after the opponent scored in his last turn of first half disabling us from one turn touchdown attempt right before the half time break.
The second half, however, was about what the underworld teams do best! We swarmed into the opponent's half while the thrower stayed behind with the ball.
In the third turn of the second half, when the opposing team was busy mauling into the ground those of us who managed to run the farthest into their half, the ball was handed over to a mid field goblin Zob who was then hurled by the troll. He just casually scored that touchdown.
In the later turns of half two, the opposing team was now low on skinks, Sauri caged the ballcarrier but small gaps (and a single tactical, short-range goblin throw) allowed us to free the ball twice. After the second time, the ball ended up in hands of unprotected Skaven, while all the Sauri were busy trying to hit our troll. 7th and 8th turn of second half were all about running toward the touchdown zone while badly positioned Sauri had no chance of catching up with the ball carrier.
You win by handling the ball well, right? :D”