CTV 2240k Skaven

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Slann CTV 1770k+470k

21000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, 1 wandering apothecary, Star player Lottabottol, Card Greased Shoes
#90 Lottabottol – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
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Week 11
National Championship
The anticipation was finally over. 36,000 fans packed the stadium to see TCU, the nation's #1 offense, and Miami, the nation's #1 defense, lay it all on the line for the NCBB's highest honor. The fans were greeted with perfect weather, and the promise of some carnage, as Season 32's National Championship kicked off.
Miami won the coin toss and elected to kick, prompting a rock to be hurled by one of TCU's fans. The kick bumbled back onto the Miami side of the pitch, resulting in a touchback. TCU only spared a moment to lay a few hits and an impressive foul, a foul which resulted in an injury to one of Miami's bulked up linefrogs. Miami called forth one of their apothecaries to heal the injury, a controversial call to some of the fans; meanwhile TCU walked into the endzone, taking the lead, 1-nill, before the first turn of the match was complete.
Both teams returned to the pitch as TCU kicked to Miami, with Miami retrieving the ball and staying conservatively out of range of TCU. TCU decided to show their defensive teeth by injuring another linefrog and setting up a screen to prevent the ball being moved forward. The following two turns saw TCU injure or remove three (3) additional Miami players, and Miami fighting to gain ground. Miami seemed to have found a much needed break when a leaping blitz resulted in an injury to TCU's killer Storm Vermin, but it was short lived as TCU's medical staff were able to repair the player. Having no safe place left to hide Miami pushed forward into the open, giving TCU a clear shot on the ball, pulling it from the hands of the ball carrier. Both teams fought for control of the ball with neither side claiming dominance, until the final turn of the half, when TCU managed to hold on to the ball, getting clear of the defenders, and scored a second touchdown. Miami attempted a few more feeble blocks, but the rats still stood. The whistle blew, closing out the first half, with TCU leading 2-nil.
Miami received the kick to start the second half and took the fight directly to TCU. Miami began aggressively positioning and blitzing, while keeping the ball close to their endzone. When Miami began to move forward, disaster struck in the form of a bumbled hand off. TCU capitalized on the mistake, sending in a Gutter Runner to collect the ball and dash toward the endzone. Miami scrambled out, sacked the Gutter Runner, reclaimed the ball, and passed it to a linefrog waiting at midfield. TCU was able to mark the ball, but Miami blitzed free and ran in a touchdown, making the score 2-1, TCU's lead, with only two turns remaining.
The kick came down with the ball hugging the sidelines, Miami in an aggressive stance, TCU protecting against the possibility of a blitz. TCU picked up the ball and retreated into their backfield. Knowing that it was now or never Miami sent in a blitzer after the Gutter Runner holding the ball, as TCU continued to retreat and screen in to protect the ball. A final leaping, dodging blitz was attempted, but Miami was stopped, just shy of the ball carrier. TCU tossed the ball to an open Gutter Runner, but they were out of reach of the endzone, and out of time. The final whistle blew, and TCU had held on to defeat Miami and bring home the National Championship.
Good game.
See you all in Season 33.”