CTV 1230k Nautican

No change

Kurgan CTV 1060k+150k

12000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Mercenary Merc Kurgan Marauder 1
#9 Khalja – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#11 Tole-Buqa – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
What a tournament! The most reknowned teams, the most wondrous players, the most infernal daemons, and the most cunning plays!
Also crabs.
Right right, nauticans.
Well these nauticans know how to play ball. The Riptide Ravagers did not have to make a single pick up attempt after a kick-off. All 3 resulted in their player catching the kick directly (one from a 6 square + wind scatter, but the other two from perfect kick + bounces into someone's hands).
These nauticans also apparently scary as hell. Or more specifically, all you can do is push them. 76 blocks against them. 5 of those were 3 die blocks.. only 1 of those 3 die blocks resulted in a knockdown. 20 2 die blocks resulted in pushes. Combine this with their natural stand firm and sidestepping madness, and all we can say is, don't try to block the Ravagers! Its a bad idea!
Luckily, we received in the first half. We scored quickly ish. The Ravagers grabbed the ball, mucked about a bit, seriously injured a few slaves, and then a giant crab tossed a crester for a perfect one turn touchdown.
Unluckily, the second half was the half of 'Sister Snips' destruction. This giant crab removed 5 players that half. She was a single handed wrecking machine. However.. she can't do much with the ball. A lucky break let Chaghagan knock the ball loose, then the Brutes managed to steal it away to the Ravagers end.. and then thought 'hey lets stand on the sideline with literally no protection', and a crester promptly surfed him. Another attempted crester throw, but the Slave marking the giant crab.. well, he did nothing. But the crester landed directly on another slave, preventing the end of half touchdown.
The Ravagers receive (and naturally, catch the kick). However, they forget that they are exhausted. They've already spent practically 16 turns each on the pitch, and it shows. The catching crester tries to hand off the ball, and the one ready for the one turn attempt drops it.. only then does the coach remember no re-rolls remain for the overworked team!
The Shadows promptly cover the ball, and set up to ensure that no one can possibly pick it up (3 tackle zones!).
... Cresters have big hand. Yes. Yes they do. They also stunty dodge in and out with the ball...
and then trip because they tried to dodge away from the Merc Marauder WHO HAS TACKLE! YES! LONERS FOR THE WIN! That 150k for a loner was totally worth it.
Literally. Yeke picks up the ball, and scores.
What a match.
Thank you very much DoodleRaccoon!”