CTV 1810k Ogre


Tomb Kings CTV 1580k+220k

15000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Mercenary Merc Skeleton Lineman 1, Card Custard Pie
#11 Roquefort II – Dead (RIP)
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Big Daddy received the touchback. We knocked skeles down and then Tom Thumb fouled out one which regen'd. But Les was knocked down and then ko'd by a return foul! We then had some poor Ogre hitting and Big Daddy boneheaded. Bulldog was stunned by a Tomb Guardian which left space for another to blitz through and KO Big daddy! Disastrous stuff. But Tom Thumb retrieved. Another snot was cas'd. Kendo tried to save the day by dodging out and throwing Tom Thumb forward. But it was a weak throw! Too far to score from. It at least tried to go as near the endzone as possible..but fell! A skele thrower picked up and then snots were being cas'd out at will. Tom Thumb received apo work. We were in a mess and they scored by half-time.
Next half Big Daddy was soon ko'd again. The Khemri took their time. The Ogres couldn't make headway and kept getting bashed about by the Tomb Guardians. It was a tough half and the Khemri made it 2-0. A convincing defeat but at least we survive without long term damage.
Go Ogres!”