“Evil Coach and Necromancer AloneAndBurned [EC&NAAB] was happy today. His team did everything right. Even though the ugly chaos monstrosities managed to get a jump on them, the Igar to Barich combination proved effective, and had no problems in scoring halfway through the first half. The Diseases did their best to stop the undead, but to no avail. When they got the ball, they met the wall of flesh that was the Sinner line, with constant harassment from the ghouls and wolf.
The second half showed that the Sinners were anticipating the offence, and set up the perfect defense to counter it. A few turns later, Marquand secured the ball and scored. Down by 2, the Diseases were hard pressed to score. Even though the ball was scattered off and into the hands of the most agile of the beasts, the Undead managed to keep the Chaos worshippers at bay long enough so as to secure the victory.
The Sinners performed to the top of their abilities today, even without Misik fully healed up yet. Barich showed why he is leading the Sinners, with good support from Marquand, Dyer, and Igar. Misik should probably be showing up after the next game.
The dice were not really on BloodReaper's side, and many a time he failed due to a few bad rolls. And with only 3 rerolls, his team was taxed to the limit. It was a fun game that could have been more fun for my opponent, but he took it stoically. I had fun playing him, and I look forward to a rematch.
As for the Sinners, well, its only left to see if the Dark Flames can win another to tie for the top sinner spot.
The second half showed that the Sinners were anticipating the offence, and set up the perfect defense to counter it. A few turns later, Marquand secured the ball and scored. Down by 2, the Diseases were hard pressed to score. Even though the ball was scattered off and into the hands of the most agile of the beasts, the Undead managed to keep the Chaos worshippers at bay long enough so as to secure the victory.
The Sinners performed to the top of their abilities today, even without Misik fully healed up yet. Barich showed why he is leading the Sinners, with good support from Marquand, Dyer, and Igar. Misik should probably be showing up after the next game.
The dice were not really on BloodReaper's side, and many a time he failed due to a few bad rolls. And with only 3 rerolls, his team was taxed to the limit. It was a fun game that could have been more fun for my opponent, but he took it stoically. I had fun playing him, and I look forward to a rematch.
As for the Sinners, well, its only left to see if the Dark Flames can win another to tie for the top sinner spot.