“Awesome game for the Khemri and friendly opponent from the antipodes--Otago, NZ, specifically!
Both teams got a blitz for a kick-off result on the opponent's main drive, and the game became largely about control--lot of slow, stand-firm guard players on pitch.
Hail mary passer Djer was all-around MVP for the game, and managed a 6+ dodge into three tackle zones, picked up on another 6, then chucked the ball down the field after taking 10 block dice without falling over. Also a Hail mary pass in the second half was a game-changed that made the draw far more difficult for the nurgle.
That dodge in to pick up with Djer was 9% to succeed with a reroll according to Samba, so complete fluke.
Only a rotter was permanently broken after the game, so all good.
Happy for a rematch anytime!
After the skill-up after the game, all 3 ST5 guarding TG's have Stand Firm, so it's quite an annoying line-up to face for most opponents.”
Both teams got a blitz for a kick-off result on the opponent's main drive, and the game became largely about control--lot of slow, stand-firm guard players on pitch.
Hail mary passer Djer was all-around MVP for the game, and managed a 6+ dodge into three tackle zones, picked up on another 6, then chucked the ball down the field after taking 10 block dice without falling over. Also a Hail mary pass in the second half was a game-changed that made the draw far more difficult for the nurgle.
That dodge in to pick up with Djer was 9% to succeed with a reroll according to Samba, so complete fluke.
Only a rotter was permanently broken after the game, so all good.
Happy for a rematch anytime!
After the skill-up after the game, all 3 ST5 guarding TG's have Stand Firm, so it's quite an annoying line-up to face for most opponents.”