CTV 1730k Shambling Undead

13000 (1 FAME)

Dark Elf CTV 1070k+640k


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Mordrix Hex, Star player Hubris Rakarth, Card Fawndough's Headband, Card Distract
#4 Dirty Surprise – Broken Jaw (MNG)
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This went much better than expected. My jaw dropped when I saw how much heavier duty the undead were than my almost-new elves, but I remembered the frustration I had when I was playing my own undead yesterday - they're sloooow. So I tried to capitalise on that.
Sadly my headlong rush to score a touchdown ended in abject failure, with the opposition getting the ball for an easy T8 score. But since we got to receive in the second half we scored (a bit of good luck with AG4 dodges and passes works wonders) and then for the rest of it I just had to hold Vorpalblade to a draw. With 8 elves.
I kept everyone back and played a strategy I detest - we just waited. I'd snipe with Hubris Rakarth if I could - Mordrix, poor lady, was KO'd on the first turn and never woke up again, despite the kegs - and then it was a matter of trying to force a mistake. That's hard when your opponent is rocking a lot of Guard, and harder when they've got 6 rerolls for the half, but eventually Nuffle showed forebearance, or forgiveness, or just encouraged me to never give up, by chucking me a few casualties in the closing stages, and making a ghoul fail a hand-off in the 8th turn to allow me to secure a draw.
It wasn't pretty, but a draw is better than a loss and if we all survive the next game, I'll be able to buy another reroll.”