CTV 1360k+250k Lybaras (CIBBL)

No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Setekh
Norse Dwarf (CIBBL) CTV 1610k


No change
#6 Hopokom The Temerarious – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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The Pride was once again accompanied by the starplayer Setekh. Again the reasoning was, that his brute strenght would help to bring some much needed mobility to the team. Unfortunately this wasn't the case, and Setekh was held down, just like the other players.
The match itself started with the opposing norse dwarf team pulling some common dwarf tactics. Meaning a Blitz, and running players to where the ball was going to land. The shortlegged vikings even managed to catch the ball! This had a demoralizing effect on the whole Lybaras team, who didn't really manage to shake the feeling of throughout the game.
After continuing the undwarflike game of running fast and leaving the opponents to eat dirt, the Warhird Huscarls ran the ball over the scoringline, thus gaining the lead at half-time.
Pride of Lybaras tried to copy the Huscarl tactic of starting fast after the kick, and nearly succeeded, too. But unlike the dwarfs, the undead kicked the ball too deep to try and form around it.
The second hald progressed much like the first, with the dwarfs forming a strong offence, that the skeletons tried to stop. But the Huscarls scored relatively quickly, leaving a few turns of the game to go. Neither team managed to score during the end, thus the final score of the game was a 0-2 loss for Pride of Lybaras.
The fans were clearly and understandably dissapointed in the result, especially in the ammount of injured dwarfs, and refused to leave the stadium without compensation.
Thank you Garion for the game, and good luck with your team in the future!”