“Reasonably solid game. Orcs left ball carrier too exposed, and rats were very fast (aren't they always?). Plenty of blocks and fouls to go around, and two dead rats when game was over.
Both teams scored on each other's drive; game could easily have swung either way--Nuffle decided, just as he should.
Blitzer Gorica rolled double 5s after the game and was faced with a difficult choice--go with the standard single rolls (MB / tackle / Guard)? Or the double of Dodge? Or the exciting MA/AV stat boost?
Perhaps I drew some inspiration from the lightning fast rodents and felt the need--the need for speed.
Both teams scored on each other's drive; game could easily have swung either way--Nuffle decided, just as he should.
Blitzer Gorica rolled double 5s after the game and was faced with a difficult choice--go with the standard single rolls (MB / tackle / Guard)? Or the double of Dodge? Or the exciting MA/AV stat boost?
Perhaps I drew some inspiration from the lightning fast rodents and felt the need--the need for speed.
Now onwards to the DANGER ZONE!”