“Brutal dicing of a young wood elf team. Three rookie linemen killed (one of them a loner) and the catcher Brimhain as good as dead.
Woodies did an excellent job of caging up and stalling for as long as possible in second half before scoring. I have much to learn about this part of the game.
One of my blitzers skilled up after the game, rolled a double and learned the art of Guard for his first skill.
Opponent took the one-sided and smoking hot dice on the chin. Happy for a rematch, next time I hope you get the hot dice and beat some sense into my elves!”
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Woodies did an excellent job of caging up and stalling for as long as possible in second half before scoring. I have much to learn about this part of the game.
One of my blitzers skilled up after the game, rolled a double and learned the art of Guard for his first skill.
Opponent took the one-sided and smoking hot dice on the chin. Happy for a rematch, next time I hope you get the hot dice and beat some sense into my elves!”