CTV 2320k Chaos Dwarf
Orc CTV 2180k
#13 Hobbogobbo – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#13 Hobbogobbo – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#6 Protector of the Elves – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#6 Protector of the Elves – Smashed Knee (NI)
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My start was horrible, as my handicap was crap, I had to kick and my only niggling player niggled out.
My orcs played at their best and only a missed GFI enabled the CD the leading TD at turn 8 1st half.
2nd half his cas-luck increased and he sent 3 players off the pitch (2 SI, 1 KO). In addition, my blitzer failed the pickup (with RR), leaving himself and the ball exposed. Luckily my orcs were able to make up for this mistake and exploited the gap in the dwarven defense, resulting in their hunt for the ball.
After some mid-field brawl, "Stand and Fight", the mighty ST5-BoB, caught the ball and made it just in time to the endzone, as the last seconds were running out.
The CDs spent their final turn pounding on my poor linemen and were even lining up for an 8th-turn-foul, when their hobgob missed the comp he was trying, ending the game this way.”