CTV 1880k+150k Shambling Undead

No change

Inducements: 1 wizard
Lizardmen CTV 2070k

17000 (1 FAME)

No change
#8 Dirk Harper – Dead (RIP)
#12 Gray Sonhelio – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The first half.. well.. it all went to shit. Ottawa got greedy and tried for a completion.. literally in front of their line. Fumbled the ball, and Duke snatched it away. Ok ok, that's fine, the wizard fireballs people and kills a saurus! (Apo saves him) and eventually Ottawa gets the ball back and Julian scores on turn 8. Great. 3 Saurii and the Krox were removed during this time. Set up for a lazy one turn def... RIOT. Goddang it. None of my tackle is on the pitch, no good way to defend, Duke scores, and all 4 big lizards are back on the pitch.
Second half, Ottawa actually starts playing. Defense is going well, Kirill and Xuhua are tying up half the pitch, Duke leaves an opening! Julian gets the ball! (Wasted a team re-roll because of knocking down a saurus badly, but .. we'll take it.) Nope, skink runs away, saurus break tackles and takes down Julian (every attempt to hit Julian knocked him down this match.) And another skink dodges free (2 other skinks literally kill themselves dodging in this match, but when we need it? Nope - can't even call Duke lucky with dodges!) and picks up the ball.
Ok, move things around, fine, Julian needs a 4+ dodge to smash that little skink to bits and win the game. Nope, no good. Oh I suppose we could just have.. put Julian in contact with the skink?? Why risk it! Urgh.
Then the skink runs away (no team re-roll, dodging past tackle, no problem). Ok, we still have a blitz on it.. nope, can't dodge with a ghoul for anything this match. Fine.
Ottawa keeps harassing the ball, dropping the skink carrier on turn 7, to no avail. Despite no re-rolls left, agi 4 skinks save the day, and Duke scores on turn 8.
1-2 Duke.
Thanks for the match Kzarik!”