CTV 1300k Clan Moulder
Black Dwarf CTV 1290k

8000 (1 FAME)

#10 Temperamental – Dead (RIP)
#12 Short Fused – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#7 Colin – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#10 Siaosi – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Usually every game vs barberfett ends with my team losing by a lot of touchdowns, and half his team in bloody tatters.
This time round I won the coin toss, took all the players I was scared of (dirty players, mostly) off the pitch fast, and got a T8 touchdown. I killed a dwarf on the second block of the game but he used an apo to turn that into a broken jaw. By then I had the bus drivers scared of what two claw Rat Ogres would do (and Snuggles didn't even need claws to depitch a player).
Cuddles got badly hurt but I figured I'd save the apothecary for a permanent injury. Should really have given it to Short Fused but who knows what kind of revenge foul would have happened at the end.
The final score is totally unkind. If I'd understood how to defend, and if Short Fused could have rolled a dodge, it might have been 2-1. If you had 2 rerolls and only needed two GFIs to score, you'd have thought the Bus Drivers would have celebrated, but instead George's rush ended in an ignominous crash headfirst into the end zone. The Monkees take their second ever draw and go home with a big bag of cash.”