CTV 910k+190k Skaven


Inducements: Star player Glart Smashrip
Elven Union CTV 710k+390k


No change
Inducements: Star player Valen Swift, Star player Lucien Swift
#7 Ispido – Smashed Knee (NI)
#3 Rapido – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
No disrespect to my opponent - he had some things to overcome - he rolled dice and had some luck / had some fail / all in all I'd say the dice were equal.
But other games - the one against Emphasy, for instance - I feel like I played well. This one?! I *know* was hot garbage. The fact that it was close was a testament to just how much this game, in general, can give anyone a chance to win. And it solidifies - for me, anyway - that regardless of your coaching acumen, you're always going to have a chance to win if you pay attention.
My apologies to my team - but you have all lost to me at some point in our lives, so that just means you guys suck, too.