All right, the foul wasn´t really fair. But, hey, it´s Blood Bowl.
Anyway, the two facts that Harmarion died so easily and then, later on, killed another elfish lineman, gives me the feeling that he started off in the wrong team. From the huge amount of passion he showed after, well, changing the team, makes me pretty sure, that he always had kinda strong longings for that cold embrace... ;-)
The victory for the elves was, in the end, deserved. Pointing to the luck level, I can say, they were lucky in the right moments, and, what actually was important, the efforts to bring the ballcarrier down (6 dices in one turn! only pushbacks and skulls... not that I would have feared a pow/skull...) were all futile.
After all, it´s not easy to stop elves. One possibility would have been to continue fouling, which I didn´t do for god knows what reason.
But, hey, good luck to you´re team. I´ll be waiting for a revanche game....”
#9 Filthria the Fletched – Broken Ribs (MNG) #5 Iniria the Ill – Dead (RIP) #10 Harmarion the Hanged – Dead (RIP)
“A grudge match, alright. Mercilessly, the Necromantic team blocked away the three frail, shivering linemen at the LOS, sending a zombie in to foul Harmarion to Death at first opportunity - the only foul in this game; alas, not the only casualty, as late in the second half Iniria broke her neck when trying to block the undead remains of Harmarion.
Still, even with only six players to field, the Suddendeaths managed to come out 2:1 in this game.
Cordolion, the team captain, told the press later on that the remainder of the team is considering to consolidate, hire a few replacements and take on the undead anew.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
All right, the foul wasn´t really fair. But, hey, it´s Blood Bowl.
Anyway, the two facts that Harmarion died so easily and then, later on, killed another elfish lineman, gives me the feeling that he started off in the wrong team. From the huge amount of passion he showed after, well, changing the team, makes me pretty sure, that he always had kinda strong longings for that cold embrace... ;-)
The victory for the elves was, in the end, deserved. Pointing to the luck level, I can say, they were lucky in the right moments, and, what actually was important, the efforts to bring the ballcarrier down (6 dices in one turn! only pushbacks and skulls... not that I would have feared a pow/skull...) were all futile.
After all, it´s not easy to stop elves. One possibility would have been to continue fouling, which I didn´t do for god knows what reason.
But, hey, good luck to you´re team. I´ll be waiting for a revanche game....”