CTV 1800k+280k Skaven

17000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe, Star player Kreek Rustgouger
Wood Elf CTV 2090k


No change
#1 R.O. V – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#6 Pe. Li. – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#7 Ne Li. II – Broken Neck (-AG)
#18 Robert Palesnake – Dead (RIP)
#11 Snowonthegrass Chillintheair – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
For the second game in a row, the wood elves played a tough and quite unexpected blocking game, and their armour held up remarkably against two MB skaven blitzes. The early injuries to the rats, and the lack of injuries to the wood elves all the way through, was the deciding factor here and it could easily have been a very different - and very one-sided scoreline - with things the other way round.
I opened the scoring with a quick two-turner, and then completely upset things by getting a blitz result on the subsequent kick-off. LEAFAR could have dealt with it, as I couldn't make it all the way down to secure the ball, but an unluckily failed pass by the rats left the ball available and I quickly ran it in.
On the following drive the rats were finally able to get some proper offence going, and I was introduced to the rather scary Kreek Rustgouger. He tore through my defence as if it was paper, but sadly for him, and LEAFAR, he wasn't able to convert any of his POWs into injuries. My one attempt to block him resulted in a 1-dice SKULL, but fortunately, the rest of my team was faring a lot better and the rats began to drop like flies.
LEAFAR was able to get in the score before the end of the half, but now he was missing Kreek and his rat ogre, so he was forced to rely more and more on the skills of his wonderful one-turn specialist.
So both coaches notched up some quick scores, LEAFAR running in two successful one-turners and me throwing a two-turn TD long bomb in between.
But then disaster struck, and on the following drive the same tactic resulted in a fumbled catch in the endzone. This itself resulted in the clumsy catcher being crowd surfed and the rats returning the ball 3/4 of the length of the field in a single turn to take the lead.
Now it was the wood elves playing catch up, but with only nine skaven to oppose them, and one of them a loner, there wasn't really much LEAFAR could do unless I messed up again. Which I didn't. I gave LEAFAR the chance for a final-turn one-turner to take the lead once more and he sauntered in without a worry.
So now it was up to me to repeat the trick. I had to push twice to get in range, and used up the reroll early on so it was quite exciting, but I made it, and the score ended up as a very pleasing 5-5. As I said earlier, I do think LEAFAR was the better coach here and deserved the win. Yes, he was lucky with my fumbled catch, but he was even more unlucky with all my successful armour rolls and his own poor ones. So whereas I now get to play my next game with just one -AV lineman missing, he has to struggle without his rat ogre and a couple of other useful players.
Still, it was a great match. Fast, tough, high-scoring. Briskbreeze picked up his passing game after a couple of quiet games, and Spiderplant came ever closer towards legend-hood with two cas and the MVP.
An excellent evening's entertainment.”