CTV 1830k+390k Skaven

19000 (1 FAME)
No change

Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, Star player Kreek Rustgouger, Star player Skitter Stab-Stab
Wood Elf CTV 2220k


No change
#2 Barry III – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Sadly for him, most of his inducements cash went on Kreek Rustgouger who proved to be a total waste of time and money. He managed a push, and then KOd himself, ending venom9's turn and his own game. Skitter fared a little better, but only in terms of longevity, lasting out until half way though the second half. But clearly he'd brought a butter knife with him, as he missed almost everything he tried to stab, and didn't come away with a single injury all game.
So that was bad luck. And so were the two failed one-turn attempts the rats made in the first half. And on both occasions the wood elves were able to get the ball, pass upfield and run in a score. Pretty much everyone got involved at some point, either with a pass, and interception, or just a timely block, so that by the time the first half came to a close, I was 3-0 up, the rats were under strength and I don't think I'd failed a single dice roll.
Things did start to look up for the rats in the second half with a convincing score by the rat ogre - who caught a pass and then succeeded two wild animal rolls in a row to open the scoring for the Skunks.
But every time venom9 scored, I got to play offence, and clearly the wood elves were in no mood to fail anything. So after the rat ogre scored I threw a long bomb TD, and then after the gutter runner finally made a one-turn score, I did it again.
And then, just to finish things off, I made one final quick pass for a late score.
So in the end I came away with 9 completions for 72 yards, and for once Briskbreeze didn't throw them all - now that I have more than 11 players, he gets to sit out the defensive drives, and as there quite a few of these today, he was only really there for about half the game. Even so, he still made 5 for 55 himself.
So a few more skills scattered about - mostly on the catchers - and I upped the squad to 13, which is more than I've ever had.
It's been a crazy few games for Sensation. I've now gone six games in a row without a loss (four wins, two draws) and I've racked up 30 touchdowns in that time. I keep waiting for the big fall, and I know it's on its way. but it's certainly nice to be enjoying this run of insane luck while it lasts.
Thank you, venom9, for playing through some terrible dice without a single complaint. I sincerely hope you never have to suffer anything like that for a long while, and maybe by the time we meet again, things will be a lot more balanced.”