“This was definitely one of the best games I've experienced on FUMBBL and it was against a great coach.
Anger Management was true to its name in this one, as they brutalized the Ref on turn one (and again on turn 6 just for good measure!) and then proceeded to brutalize my poor elves. We spent a lot of time in the "hurt locker," no doubt about it. Gorge Berzerkeley paid them back with a RIP on Resentment, a quality all-purpose blitzer. Unfortunately Chappy's apoth couldn't be bothered to stumble out there and help things (sorry Chappy!) so he will indeed rest in peace. He seemed to strain something with the mighty impact though, as the resulting skill roll was a niggler :-(
The few elves we had left still managed to run circles around the Orcs (quite literally) and so we managed a pretty good win. The fans were unimpressed by this performance however, as they deserted each team and pelted poor Anselm right on the head...he'll need a day or two off but he should be fine.
This was also one of the better games I've coached, with only a few real mistakes (that I noticed at least) up until the very end where I let my thrower get blitzed for no good reason...no harm done but it may have cost me a TD...
Thanks for a great game Chappy!”
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Anger Management was true to its name in this one, as they brutalized the Ref on turn one (and again on turn 6 just for good measure!) and then proceeded to brutalize my poor elves. We spent a lot of time in the "hurt locker," no doubt about it. Gorge Berzerkeley paid them back with a RIP on Resentment, a quality all-purpose blitzer. Unfortunately Chappy's apoth couldn't be bothered to stumble out there and help things (sorry Chappy!) so he will indeed rest in peace. He seemed to strain something with the mighty impact though, as the resulting skill roll was a niggler :-(
The few elves we had left still managed to run circles around the Orcs (quite literally) and so we managed a pretty good win. The fans were unimpressed by this performance however, as they deserted each team and pelted poor Anselm right on the head...he'll need a day or two off but he should be fine.
This was also one of the better games I've coached, with only a few real mistakes (that I noticed at least) up until the very end where I let my thrower get blitzed for no good reason...no harm done but it may have cost me a TD...
Thanks for a great game Chappy!”