Except the blue horror blitzes (so. MANY. Claw MB pushes!!!!!) and then a double skull which allowed that blue horror, Zlenda, to score.
And then, yet, another, stupid, wrasslefrass PUSH OMGEROHOHGOHE on the ball carrier.
But that was enough that he needed to make 1 GFI to score the winning goal for Karak'n Heads on turn 15 (riot). And in a blizzard.. the slayer runner tripped, and badly hurt himself.
And we salvaged a draw!!!
With over 40 less turns played, and agi 2 dwarves catching bombs, and passing bombs, and killing blue horrors on the first block of the match... I'll take that as a solid win. Draw. Win. You know what I mean.
Except the blue horror blitzes (so. MANY. Claw MB pushes!!!!!) and then a double skull which allowed that blue horror, Zlenda, to score.
And then, yet, another, stupid, wrasslefrass PUSH OMGEROHOHGOHE on the ball carrier.
But that was enough that he needed to make 1 GFI to score the winning goal for Karak'n Heads on turn 15 (riot). And in a blizzard.. the slayer runner tripped, and badly hurt himself.
And we salvaged a draw!!!
With over 40 less turns played, and agi 2 dwarves catching bombs, and passing bombs, and killing blue horrors on the first block of the match... I'll take that as a solid win. Draw. Win. You know what I mean.
Thanks for the match King_Mad!”