CTV 2350k High Elf

No change

Wood Elf CTV 1900k+450k

22000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, 1 wizard, Star player Eldril Sidewinder
#10 Melion Silverdust – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#12 Andrian Moonshine – Dead (RIP)
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The Wandering Feathers faced Rock'n'roll woodies in the second round of the brawl. The opposition hired a wizard and Eldril Sidewinder, dangerous boosts both. The Feathers received in the first half, but couldn't hurt the wood elves. Worse, they even lost a catcher themselves in turn one. With the constant threat of a wizard, the high elves had to move carefully. For a few turns the game went up and down, until the woodies decided to launch the fireball in turn 4. Two high elves got hit, but not the ball carrier. Then Eldril went in and did his gazing thing, resulting in a 1d blitz on the ball. We lost it to the AG5 wardancer Naglas spuoks, who subsequently failed a dodge and dropped it again. Prince Dorien blitzed Eldril and badly hurted him. Mensul Silverlock picked up the ball (in a tackle zone), but couldn't get to a safe place and lost it again next turn. A woodie catcher caught the scatter, but also lost it one turn later. The game had turned into a tight scramble for the ball. Alaris Moonray picked it up and ran to relative safety, but the woodies gambled high and it paid off. After some tricky dodges, they managed a 1d blitz on the ball. It failed, but it pushed Alaris towards the treeman, who reacted with a 2d block and a pow! There was no one left to go for the ball though, so the Feathers recovered it once more. But the scramble still wasn't over and the wood elves managed once more to liberate the ball. By then the half was almost over: 0-0 at half-time, after having changed hands half a dozen times. Heavy fighting indeed!
The second half started with the woodies receiving. But with both the wizard and Eldril gone the Feathers felt they still had a good shot at the win. Then disaster struck the wood elves when they snaked the ball pick-up. Haldir moved in, blitzed the nearby catcher and picked up the ball. Half the team joined to offer protection. It still wasn't enough; the woodies ran and dodged and managed to 2d blitz our ST4 thrower. It worked and the wood elves had recovered the ball again. Only for a turn though. Like the first half, the second one was characterized by high pressure on the ball from both sides. The Feathers recovered their lost treasure and this time immediately ran in the touchdown: 1-0.
At the next kick-off Rock'n'roll woodies moved in to score the equalizer in two turns, but eventually snaked a GFI on the endzone and dramatically lost the ball! Two turns later the Feathers had prepared for the 2-0, but Prince Dorien snaked a dodge and also lost the ball! This time the woodies capitalized and ran in the equalizer: 1-1 with two turns left.
The Feathers' two-turner failed however when Mensul didn't succeed his leap to break through the defensive line of the wood elves. Overtime!
Only 8 high elves were left to face a full wood elven squad. But we had won the coin toss and started receiving. The match went up and down with the Feathers looking for a hole in the defense, until the woodies dramatically snaked another dodge on the blitz! This time it even took out the wardancer. There's only so much bad dice a team can endure. Rock'n'roll woodies wouldn't recover from this setback. Two turns later the Feathers ran in the winning touchdown: 2-1. Very tough game, decided by bad dice!
Thanks to lukoshiukas for the very tense and exciting game!”