CTV 1630k Lybaras (CIBBL)


Myrmidia (CIBBL) CTV 1270k+320k


Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bloodweiser keg, Mercenary Merc Vanguard 1
#16 Monumental Makof – Groin Strain (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Eagles started a slow slog down the field, while skeletons and constructs, wary of the hired wizard, tried to get in the way as much as possible. The ball was even knocked loose, thanks to the bombs of Terseh. Unfortunately no players were in range to swarm around the ball, and it was picked up by the Eagles on the next turn. Following this, Terseh stunned himself with a fumbled bomb, and the Golden Eagles managed to stun three more players on the following turn, including the unlucky Necrotect, Hopokom.
Numbers advantage left the Pride unable to do much, apart from a couple of flimsy blocks, which didn't result in much damage. Meanwhile the ball was carried safely far from the downed skeletons. With no change to catching the carrier, the Lybarasian players tried to smash and foul the opposing players, to make the next half easier for themselves. Unfortunately, the armor of the Myrmidians held, and Hopokom, in his excitement, managed to injure himself with his saw.
The referee of the game seemed to be a man of principle, who has no issues with fouling, as long as it's done by boots, not weapons. Thus by the end of the first half, all 3 weapons of the Pride were ejected. Even the complaints of Thelekhter were annoying the ref, and the coach too was banned from the game.
Second half started with a big scrum in the middle of the pitch, while the ball was carried on one side, by all 4 Stalkers. Now under pressure, action had to be taken, despite the looming threat of the wizard. Soon enough the wizard cast a fireball, that knocked two players out, and the ball into the hands of the crowd. Unfortunately for Pride, the ball ended in the middle of the pitch, from where it was quickly in a cage of humans.
Despite their best attempts, the Pride never managed to catch the carrier, thus letting the Eagles score their second touchdown freely. This left only the last turns of the game, but with no confidence to try an OTTD, the Lybarasian team instead tried to bash even one human, unsuccessfully.
This was a rather frustrating game for Pride. On the first half, it seemed like nothing worked, and the Eagles were fast to take advantage of any mistakes or gaps. Also the first game of the team, where the only SPP gained is from the MVP. All in all, not a good match for me, apart from the gained money, 60k. Even so, thanks to Joe1982 for the game, and good luck in the future.”