CTV 2260k Wood Elf (CIBBL)
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Orc Big 'Un (CIBBL) CTV 1650k+610k
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Inducements: 1 wizard, 2 bloodweiser kegs, Star player Schworg'n'Borg
#5 Thelion – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#13 Haldir – Damaged Back (NI)
#14 Nimrodel – Gouged Eye (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
That morning Timaris Stormwing entered the stadium with a nervous stride, a puff of cold breath leaving his mouth. He had been preparing his Meddlers the past week for the game against Beegrok Massive Mob, a team of greenskin brutes lacking the elegance required for a smooth passing game. Although he could not imagine his Meddlers failing to beat this ragtag band of so-called Big 'Uns, the presence of Schworg'n'Borg and a hired wizard still made him a little nervous. His assistant, the lovely Mereia, was her nonchalant self, paying only attention to her martini and the comfortable chair from which she would observe the game. "Calm down, Timaris", she told him whilst installing herself, "all will be fine".
The game started with the Meddlers kicking. The ball landed deep in the Mob's backfield, urging Timaris to send his elves forward, effectively cutting the Mob into 2 separate mobs. Morlanna got knocked out in turn 2 however, urging Isilvar to take up a more prominent role. He even managed to -2d kick the ball loose, but failed the subsequent dodge to pick it up, badly hurting himself in the process. Two turns in, 2 elves out already. A slight grimace had started forming on Timaris' face, as if he'd been constipated for 4 days. "Relax, old man", Mereia taunted, "we're still applying pressure", she continued. "That mob is getting nowhere", she observed. "We've got them stuck in their half of the field".
Meanwhile on the pitch, one of the little Big 'Uns had picked up the ball. Nimrodel moved in, but couldn't kick it free. The game went up and down for a few more turns, with the Mob trying to break through and the Meddlers trying to prevent them doing it. Ethandril had a few chances to strip the ball free, but to no avail. Then Nimrodel got struck by the monster Schworg'n'Borg and had to be evacuated from the pitch with a gouged eye. Timaris' perpetual grimace was intensifying, although by now it was clear the Mob woudn't score this half. Ethandril now finally managed to steal the ball, but Aertan failed a dodge, ruining the last opportunity of the first half: 0-0 at halftime.
The Meddlers started the second half very conservatively, waiting for an opportunity to create a hole in the greenskins' defense. By turn 5 they finally managed to send Aerys through. "You see", Mereai said to Timaris, "patience is a virtue", but then he snaked a going for it, unceremoniously crashing into the turf. "I see", Timaris replied sourly, "although I'm not sure if this is what I was hoping for". Meanwhile the Big 'Uns headcoach judged the time ripe to call in his wizard's fireball, creating a hole to send Schworg'n'Borg in to blitz Hauclir, carrying the ball. Drops of sweat pearled on Timaris' face, but then a sigh of relieve followed when the half-ton monster misjudged his pacing and crashed down right in front of Hauclir's feet. Things happened fast then, when Hauclir launched the ball forward. There were still a few turns left, time enough to score. Much to Timaris' disapproval the Mob were applying sniper tactics now, their 'Uge Big'Un hurling little Big'Uns directly at the ball carrier. But to no avail, eventually the Meddlers ran the ball over the line and scored: 1-0. The Mob's one-turner failed.
A hard-fought win for the Meddlers!”