CTV 1380k Shambling Undead

12000 (1 FAME)

Halfling CTV 910k+470k


No change
Inducements: 1 halfling master chef, 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 wizard, Star player Rumblelow Sheepskin
#3 Porky Roebuck – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#6 Todd Twinkletoes – Dead (RIP)
#10 Fanny Bigburrow – Dead (RIP)
#90 Rumblelow Sheepskin – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
So it's time for the FAMILY to meet the halflings. These strange, short, creatures do not seem fit to play this sport. Yet this is the opponent most deserving of respect we have met so far!
The flings induce a chef and a guy on some kind of big goat. The family kicks out of bounds so the ball is safe in the hands of the flings and a safe cafe is formed between trees. The goat badly hurts SMELLY GRAMMA and GRUMPY GRAMPA is stunned too. Those flings punch hard! The FAMILY gets into contact with the flings, surely they will get scared! But no! They punch back! Unfortunately both trees get rooted (even with a RR) in their second turn, so it's really going to be uphill for the flings. Only a feeble cage of flings separates the FAMILY from the ball. But the flings are squishy, and they keep swithing sides. The FAMILY tries to keep up but it's not easy with their slow movement. A tree throws a fling at PRINCESS putting her prone on the ground, but the fling gets KO'd in the process. Those flings are brave! The wizards is invoked (maybe too early, and maybe at the wrong time of the turn?), stunning DAD. PRINCE is saved by his armor, and in the next turn kills a fling for revenge! Unfortunately the fling doesn't join the FAMILY - we would have loved one of these brave players to join us! The flings move their cage north but a failed gfi stuns the ball carrier. The ball is however safe(ish) in three flings tackle zones. A fling is punched and sent KO into the ball by PRINCESS. The ball bounces between DAD and a fling, and is then recovered by OLD SCHOOL UNCLE. THE ONE WE DON'T TALK ABOUT is in scoring position. It looks hard for the flings to prevent a touchdown! But that doesn't mean they don't try, and they keep blocking even with -2D! A flying KOs himself dodging out. It is turn 5 and there are only 3 standing flings, 2 prone, and 2 rooted trees. MOM fails a GFI and is fouled into KO by a fling who gets sent off. Only 4 flings left! The FAMILY forgets about the horns on the goat, and the flings get a succesfull 2D blitz at the ball, but they fail the pickup. It's turn 7 and while still possible, a TD doesn't look so sure! Wow these flings! The goat is punished for her heroic attempt by being surfed into an hungry crowd who breaks its legs (MNG). 3 flings left! One of them is thrown at the ball carrier. Missed! Stunned! The other two dodge like there is no tomorrow and get a 1D blitz at the ball. POW! But OLD SCHOOL UNCLE catches the bounce. The TD is two GFI and a chainpush away. Nuffle smiles on the FAMILY. 1-0.
The second half is 11 vs. 11 again. The chef disappoints and no rerolls are stolen. PRINCESS injuries a fling, RICH UNCLE picks up the ball and hides behind MOM and DAD in a central position. A tree tries to throw a fling at the ball but fumbles and the fling is KO's. The family builds a solid cage south, while sending PRINCESS and OLD SCHOOL UCLE forward. A tree badly hurts GRUMPY GRAMPA. PRINCE kills his second fling in this game. The FAMILY moves slowly, the other tree engages the cage too and this leaves a big opening to switch side and run the ball north. It's turn 5 and RICH uncle is in TD range and no flings are in range. The stall begins. Three flings leave the pitch (KO and two BH). Two trees and two flings is all is left of this magnificent opponent. It seems there is nothing left to do... but the tree throws a fling which blitzes the ball with -2D, resulting in a simple pushback. Those flings don't give up! The family scores. 2-0. It's 11 vs. 8 and the family kicks. BALD GRAMPA is BH. A fling picks-up the ball, hand-off, throw, safe landing... it's A ONE TURN TOUCHDOWN!!! The FAMILY had never seen anything like that and had not prepared accordingly! It's turn 6 and the family wants to honor their opponents with a third TD. MIDLIFE CRISIS holds the ball screened by several members. But the flings are amazing and manage to get a 1D blitz on the ball, by throwing a fling (which crash lands but picks himself up and marks the ball) and through a series of really wonderful dodges. It's both down, but the flings are not properly rewarded and PRINCESS catches the bounce. The FAMILY is scared of those tiny but brave opponents, and decides that a quick score is the safest way to go. Turn 7 and and it's 11 vs. 9 again. This time the FAMILY sets up to protext against a one-turn TD. The flings commit to one side and are rewarded with a kick that lands right behind the trees on the LoS. But a three fails a 3D block and it's turnover. A last fling is punched out of the field, and unfortunately in their last turn the flings fail to pickup, so no last minute flying hero to score another TD. Final score 3-1 for the family.
After the match:
Zombie SMELLY GRAMMA is MVP and gets Kick
Wights PRINCESS gets Mighty Blow
Ghoul RICH UNCLE gets Wrestle
Zombie FAT GRAMMA is sacked”