CTV 1060k+420k Human

No change

Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary, 1 extra team training session, Mercenary Merc Blitzer 1, Card Rabbit's Foot, Card Spiked Ball
Shambling Undead CTV 1520k

14000 (1 FAME)

#6 Colton Bollinar – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#7 Kaden Taerhael – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#11 Matthew Mes-ard – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Firs game of the 145 rumble. We face an almost rookie human team. 460k TV difference in our favor. This will probably be a walk in the park, but better never to underestimate the opposition.
The puny humans induce an apo, a reroll, two cards and a mercenary blitzer. I think one could have gotten more value out of the 420k.
The FAMILY kicks deep. The humans pickup the ball and cage south. TOOTHLESS GRAMMA dies but regenerate. The mighty blow human blitzer is punched and fouled. KO'd and apo'ed. Probably not a good choice - this is likely not the worse injury of the match. Anyway, good for us, the apo is gone. The humans get in contact and are all over the place. They -2D block - pushback, Nuffle was kind. The ogre goes bone head. A block on a lineman and we can 1D blitz the ball. But we probably did not notice that and we blitz the corner of the cage instead. DAD injuries a lino. The second apo is gone but it's still MNG. Three FAMILY members on the ball carrier. It's going to be hard for the humans. The merc blitzer is by the sideline, ready to be pushed by RICH UNCLE in the next turn. He doesn't like that and 1D blocks. Both-down. He doesn't like that and rerolls. The loner roll is succesfful but the new outcome is skull. And two FAMILY members are still next to the ball. MOM and DAD get in the big brawl around the ball. THe ball is freeed and falls in the middle. PRINCE picks it up and is in touchdown range. But he is blitzable and no surprises the ball is in the hands of the humans again who take a likely unnecessary risk with a gfi that fails. The ball is on the pitch again. Next turn it's ours again - in the hands of blodger OLD SCHOOL UNCLE in TD range. The humans -2D blitz PRINCE (who is next to the ball carrier) and get him down. Strange move. Why not 1D the ball carrier? Anyway, the dude is blitzes away and the FAMILY starts stalling. During the stall 3 players are permanently removed (2 blitz, 1 foul). We score by turn 7. Two quick turnovers and the first half is over.
It's 11 vs. 9 in the second half (two blitzers out). Deep cage. The humans go all in and bring 2 players. The blitzer has to dodge to blitz a corner of the cage, but fails even the reroll and gets a serious injury in the process. Ouch. The FAMILY can advance relatively undisturbed. A blitz is attempted byt then dropped when the humans realize it's a -2D on MOM. But they KO PRINCESS, so that's something. The FAMILY outnumbers and outstrenghts the humans, so we just sit where we are and punch. A new blockless -2D blitz on MOM, this time the humans dare. It's pushback - Nuffle does't punish. But the humans keep putting all their players in contact so we get to punch essentially everyone in their team this turn. Some stuns. THE ONE gets in scoring range. The last blitzer is surfed. KO. It's time to score. 2-0 by turn 5.
The humans have to play their last drive with 7 players and no blitzers. They take risks and pass the ball. And leave the ball blitzable. Nuffle is mean and a failed dodge turns in yet another BH. 6 vs 11. The FAMILY retrieves the ball and it's an offensive drive again. The humans cannot stop us anymore and it's 3-0 in turn 16. The humans start their last turn by failing to pickup the ball so they don't even get a chance to relieve their stress by punching us back.
After the match:
Zombie TOOTHLESS GRAMMA is MVP and gets wrestle
Ghoul THE ONE WE DON'T TALK ABOUT gets block