CTV 1710k Ethereal
No change
Inducements: Card Beguiling Bracers
Kurgan CTV 1640k+50k
18000 (1 FAME)
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Card Stolen Playbook
#8 Shayepe – Dead (RIP)
#9 Alfusion – Dead (RIP)
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Sounds like a very surreal match.
Which is what it was. It didn't matter where the ball was, the Eternal Rowdies were attacking it and picking it up and moving towards a touchdown, just like the ghosts they were named after.
Unfortunately, it didn't matter whether they were blocking the Rowdies, tripping them as they dodged, or forcing them to leap, the Shadows knew exactly where the ghosts were, and the ethereals blew away like so much paper.
In the first half, they stole the ball and on turn 3, failed a gfi on the end zone. On turn 5, they only had 3 players left on the pitch, and the Shadow scored on turn 8.
In the second half, just like wisps, 11 Rowdies were back on the pitch, they phased through the opposition, and scored on turn 3. Then the Shadows finally learned how to negate regeneration, and did cas instead of KO, and the Shadows scored on turn 8.
Shadows darken the Ethereal, and the Rowdies got tossed out for causing too much disturbances!
Thanks for the match Cosmodon!”