CTV 1450k+200k Lybaras (CIBBL)

No change

Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe
Engineers (CIBBL) CTV 1650k


Inducements: 1 bribe
#1 Wondrous Hezibi – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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The game saw some rare weaponplay, when the dwarf runner managed to catch a bomb thrown at him by Terseh. The dwarf tossed the bomb back, but the throw was intercepted by a ordinary skeleton, who managed to chuck the bomb back at the dwarfs. Sadly the explosion didn't cause any damage.
The dwarfs pushes on fast for their kind, and soon enough the ballcarrier was on the other side of the Khemrian line. This the the bomb found it's target, and the ball was on the ground. One Stalker was close enough to try some dodges to get a change to grab the ball, but didn't realize that one of the dwarfs next to it was skilled at tackling opponents dodging away from him, and the Stalker was knocked down. With only a few skeletons standing around the ball, it was easy for the dwarfs to bash them all to the ground and resume their way to the TD line.
At the end of the half, the wizard was instructed to hurl a fireball at 5 dwarfs huddled together, with the goal of trying to remove some of the sturdy players from the field, and try and make the second half easier for the Pride. But the wizard had clearly exaggerated his magical abilities, and the fireball hit only one dwarf, and didn't even stun him. Both coaches expressed their surprise at this, with Thelekhter vowing to double check every wizard that the team would possibly use in the future.
With every Lybarasian knocked to the ground, carried of the pitch, or stuck behind the dwarf lines, there wasn't much to do, apart from trying to hurt even one bearded menace. This wasn't successful, and in the end, despite managing to break free, the only Stalker to be able to reach the ballcarrier stumbled and fell down, right at the feet of the dwarf runner, who then proceeded to cross the line, thus scoring a TD for his team.
Thanks to the punches of the dwarves thinning the ranks of Pride, both of the Necrotects were forced on the pitch, despite the ref giving them a long, hard look as they formed up with their chainsaws. Unfortunately the saws and fists of the Khemrians were unable to do any damage to the dwarfs, and at the end of the first half, the ref even banned Khenkas from the pitch. But a bribe gained at the start of the game allowed the Necrotect to stay in the game.
This wouldn't last for long. Perhaps the ref hadn't been informed on what Division it is that he is covering. Perhaps he took offense at the bribe. Whatever the reason, he wasted no time in banning first Hopokom from the pitch, and right after that, Khenkas followed. The "rookie" managed to take one dwarf out of the game with him, once again showing the incompetence of Hopokom, and his inability to prove his worth to the team.
The ball and the scrum following it soon moved to the edge of the pitch, with most players ending up on the ground around the ball. Eventually the superior blocking abilities and sturdier armor of the dwarfs began to show, with more and more Lybarasians ending down on the ground, and more and more dwarfs standing. At the end, only 6 players of the Pride were left on the pitch, and none of them standing up.
This was a second pretty bad game for me in a row for this team, though this time I managed to make one pass, thus getting at least 1SPP in addition to the MVP. Unfortunately for the next game, my only Guard Stalker is also MNG, though luckily the Giant is back in action. Looking at the replay, I think that I should have tried to turn the runner into a frog earlier, and possibly smash him off the pitch in that condition. If that had been successful, the ballhandling of the dwarfs would have been severely limited. Regardless of that, the fireball was really unlucky for me, since it didn't even hit. Also I cast it one square too high, since there it had the change to hit my own player, too.
Thanks to Pizzapocalypse for the game, and good luck in the future!”