“The classical match between brawn and nimble, and this time the nimble dished out pain too.
The Full Contact and still OP (FCasO) danced around the players of the Ballroom Blockers (BallB), and there were no bench warmers.
"I was not even asked to dance" Ughash said, as the thrower were out after the first block.
The muscle of the Orc, could not get a grip with the agile Amazons, and even a mighty Black Orc died, trying to fell a lonely lineman. The FCasO quickly scored two touchdowns, and managed to win the crowd at every kick off, boasting their morale and training, while the orc, severly outnumbered, could not even pick up the ball during their last drive.
At least i got to hit someone, the orcs said, but it will surely be a tough upcoming match with only 3 Black orcs on the line of scrimmage.
The Amazons used the match to stock up on cash, and even one of the blitzers managed to guard their comrades better. ”
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The Full Contact and still OP (FCasO) danced around the players of the Ballroom Blockers (BallB), and there were no bench warmers.
"I was not even asked to dance" Ughash said, as the thrower were out after the first block.
The muscle of the Orc, could not get a grip with the agile Amazons, and even a mighty Black Orc died, trying to fell a lonely lineman. The FCasO quickly scored two touchdowns, and managed to win the crowd at every kick off, boasting their morale and training, while the orc, severly outnumbered, could not even pick up the ball during their last drive.
At least i got to hit someone, the orcs said, but it will surely be a tough upcoming match with only 3 Black orcs on the line of scrimmage.
The Amazons used the match to stock up on cash, and even one of the blitzers managed to guard their comrades better. ”