saw the miserable Nagash, and did decree that they must die!
In a heathenish display of heretical heresy, the Reptile Remnants did refuse this decree! They regenerated not one, not two but, but yea, three!
And Kesteven, that monstrosity of speed, that clobbering menace, he not only broke the neck of Dev Azr'al - a worthy sacrifice in the name of the Prophet mind you - but in ONE turn, he cas'd a tomb guardian (the Prophet did see fit to regenerate this one), KO'd a skeleton, stunned a blitz-ra, stunned a skeleton AND KO'd himself! ONE TURN!
If the twisted words of Nagash had not already spoken to Kesteven, the Prophet would have enlightened him on the spot.
The curse of the spiked ball continued, as it KO'd the Saurus thro-ra that tried to grab it in the first drive. And after that, well, the Rapture Guard enjoys the spikes, and so had no problem picking the ball up.
Thanks for the match Adorryable!”
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saw the miserable Nagash, and did decree that they must die!
In a heathenish display of heretical heresy, the Reptile Remnants did refuse this decree! They regenerated not one, not two but, but yea, three!
And Kesteven, that monstrosity of speed, that clobbering menace, he not only broke the neck of Dev Azr'al - a worthy sacrifice in the name of the Prophet mind you - but in ONE turn, he cas'd a tomb guardian (the Prophet did see fit to regenerate this one), KO'd a skeleton, stunned a blitz-ra, stunned a skeleton AND KO'd himself! ONE TURN!
If the twisted words of Nagash had not already spoken to Kesteven, the Prophet would have enlightened him on the spot.
The curse of the spiked ball continued, as it KO'd the Saurus thro-ra that tried to grab it in the first drive. And after that, well, the Rapture Guard enjoys the spikes, and so had no problem picking the ball up.
Thanks for the match Adorryable!”